St. John the Baptist Mount Bures
Parish Policies approved and re-confirmed annually
by the Parochial Church Council
Data Privacy Notice
The Parochial Church Council (“PCC”) of St John the Baptist Mount Bures
What is ‘Personal Data’
Personal data is any information relating to any person who can be identified from that information. Identification can be by this information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the PCC’s possession or likely to come into the PCC’s possession. The purposes for which the PCC can process and/or use such personal data is limited by the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
Data Controller
Under the GDPR the PCC is deemed to be the Data Controller. As such the PCC is responsible for ensuring that Personal Data is only processed and/or used as permitted by the GDPR.
Processing of Personal Data
The PCC will comply with its obligations under the GDPR keeping all Personal Data up to date; by storing such data securely; by destroying such data securely when it is out of date or no longer needed; by not collecting or retaining unnecessary data; by protecting such data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical and/or other measures are in place to fulfil all these obligations.
PCC’s use of Personal Data
The PCC will only use Personal Data for one or more of the following purposes:-
• to enable the PCC to provide voluntary services for the benefit of church members, parishioners or others
• to administer church membership records
• to fundraise and/or promote the PCC, and the voluntary services which the PCC operate
• to manage PCC employers and volunteers
• to maintain the PCC’s accounts and financial records including the processing of gift aid applications
• to inform church members, parishioners and others of news, events, activities and services relating to the PCC, PCC fundraising and PCC community activities
• with specific prior consent share contact details with the Diocesan office so it can communicate details of news, events, activities and services within the Diocese.
Sharing Personal Data
The PCC will keep Personal Data strictly confidential. It will only be shared with individual members of the PCC, employees, church members, others benefiting from PCC activities or volunteers to the extent necessary to enable the PCC to fulfil its obligations to church members, parishioners, volunteers and the Diocese. Any other use of Personal Data will only be with specific prior consent.
How long will we keep Personal Data?
Electoral roll data will be retained whilst it is still current. Gift Aid declarations and related paperwork will be retained for six years after the financial year to which they relate. Parish Registers including baptisms, marriages, funerals and burials will be kept indefinitely.
Otherwise, the PCC will keep Personal Data in accordance with the guidelines set out in the guide ‘Keep or Bin: Care of your Parish Records’ which is available from the Church of England website.
Personal Rights
Everyone for whom the PCC hold Personal Data have the right to:
• request a copy of their Personal Data
• require the PCC to correct any Personal Data which is inaccurate
• request the PCC to erase any Personal Data which is no longer necessary for the PCC to retain
• withdraw any consent given at any time
• request that the PCC provide details of the Personal Data which the PCC hold
• request a restriction on further use of Personal Data either on a temporary or permanent basis
• object to the processing of Personal Data
• lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Additional Processing or use of Personal Data
If the PCC wish to use Personal Data for new purposes not covered by any existing consent the PCC will first request specific consent having explained clearly the use for which the PCC are seeking such consent.
All requests and other communication relating to Personal Data should in the first instance be addressed to the Personal Data Officer of St John The Baptist Mount Bures PCC at The Rectory, Church Close, West Bergholt, Colchester, CO6 3JZ.
The Information Commissioner’s Office is contactable on 0303 1231113 or via the website or at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Chesire, SK9 5AF.