sunday services
There is a service in St. John's on the following Sundays at 9.15am:
On the first Sunday of the month it is Morning Worship
This is an informal service with music, readings, prayer and a talk that we can all relate to. Bring friends and neighbours! There's time to chat over refreshments afterwards.
On the third Sunday of the month it is 'Bread Church'
To us, Holy Communion is an important way of celebrating our togetherness as a Church family. We would love to welcome you. Again please join us for refreshments after the service
On the fifth Sunday of the month there will be a United Service with our other parishes:
Refreshments will be available after the service
Plans can change for Festivals or when something special is happening
Occasionally, we'll join with other Churches in the Benefice for a service in one of the other Churches, or we may change the time of the service when it's an important Festival.
Click to check the Benefice Bulletin in case there could be a change
Our pattern of services is likely to change at Festivals, such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest -
Click to visit our page about Festivals.